Trusting Tuesday

Trusting Tuesday…I like the sound of that! Today has been a tough day:( After my half marathon on Saturday my right foot has really been hurting as of Sunday. I even had to skip a class earlier to ice it. I’ve felt frustrated all day because of how GORGEOUS it is outside and ALL I want to do is go run or at least walk but I can’t! Interestingly enough God prepared me for this in my quiet time this morning.


Jesus Calling: “Trust and Thankfulness Will Get You Safely Through  This Day.”

When I read that this morning the title didn’t resonate very much but as the day has gone on I see clearly how this relates to me and that it is time for me to:

A. Trust God with his timing in the healing of my foot

B. Slow down and let Him speak

C. Be thankful for the race and that I am able to do all of these things I love!

So with these little lessons through out today it has lifted my spirits some but it is hard to give over all trust, especially when it has to deal with pain. But I am reminding myself every moment that I trust in God’s timing and he will heal me when sees fit, until then I will seek to find the lesson He is teaching me even now!

I hope you’ve had a GREAT Tuesday and that you too can find the strength to trust in Gods plan and timing in ALL things! 🙂

*SPECIAL* Guest Post by Lindsay Cash

SO thankful for these sweet words by Lindsay Cash, a dear friend of mine and one of my many rolemodels I have been blessed to watch and attempt to mimic at Baylor:) I am thankful for her taking the time to share with us ALL that is going on with her in New York…Can’t lie, reading this I became so envious of this time in her life! I’m so happy for you Lindsay!

Be sure to check out her blog [HERE] or TWEET HER [HERE] and you can also see [HERE] my guest blog!

HELLOOOOO to the friends and fellow appreciate-rs of Emily! I am so thankful for her giving me space to write on such a sweet site! I’m Lindsay Cash, and a second-semester senior – WHAAAAT – at Baylor with Emily! I’m not actually there though – for my final semester, I’m working and studying in NYC! It’s truly a different world up here – and it’s so easy to become wrapped up in it all!

Here are a few things I’ve learned about NYC and the people in the past two-ish months:

–       The people are NICE! I’m happily shattering the reputation for NYC-ers. I work at Madison Square Garden ( , the craziest sports arena in the world, and my supervisors and fellow interns would stop and do anything for me if I needed it. LOVE the people.

–       So close, but so far. I can stare out my window from Queens into Manhattan and see my destination. A 15-minute walk to the subway/25-minute subway ride/8-minute subway transfer/12-minute walk to destination later… FINALLY there. Loving the exercise!

–       Flats or die. If I see ANYONE in the streets with heels on, I raise my fist in the air. Get it girl, cause I sure can’t. Thankful my friends talked me into getting a solid pair of flats – Shout out to Tory – couldn’t survive without ‘em!

–       Didn’t even flinch… Yeah, it’s pretty much impossible to shock people here. NYC is THE biggest melting pot ON EARTH – everywhere you look, you see the most outrageous person, outfit, store or museum. Then as you’re walking away in amazement, you see something else surpassing that. Truly, there’s never a dull moment!

–       What is personal space? There’s just NOT any! People. Everywhere. Every subway cart is stuffed to the brim; every restaurant packed (at every hour), every street corner, every coffee shop… So many people, with so many stories. Once you choose to embrace it, it’s a beautiful reality.

 (View from my apt!)

These are the hilarious encounters of NYC so far. But beyond walking these streets, working at MSG, spending time with my roommates, and time spent studying, the most important concept I’ve learned is a little three word command: “Abide in Me”.

New York City is: cutting-edge, cosmopolitan, imposing, strong, cold, bustling, daunting, thriving, overwhelming, diverse, crowded, sleepless and indescribable all at the same time. I knew I would be living here almost 9 months in advance to my move.  And up until the day I got on the NYC-bound airplane, I told myself I will remain true to myself. I won’t let the city change me; I won’t let society turn me into stone.

I, I, I, me, me, me! Such a common thread in this city! There are 9 million of us squished into a tiny island!… All of us competing, branding ourselves and putting our best foot forward every second of every day. Sounds like a cakewalk, right? Imagine the most stressful day of your life – then cram it into one hour. That is reality here. So who am I to stand up to NYC – or anywhere for that matter – and fight? What strength do I have on my own? It doesn’t matter that I’m in the college-to-real-life transition: whoever you are, wherever you are, you can’t take on this life alone.

John 15:4 – Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

Apart from Jesus, we are fruitless. My time in New York has shown me this truth in the clearest form I’ve ever seen. As a Christian, my (our) job is to abide, despite the world saying our job is to strive. When we realize that abiding in Him is our ultimate and utmost important calling on earth – the blessings and peace of His mercy is painted all over our lives.

P.S. – Currently reading: Radical by David Platt (for the 2nd time)… Definitely encourage you to get your hands on a copy! One of my favorite quotes:

“Radical obedience to Christ is not easy… It’s not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us.”

The Journey to: My First Half Marathon

Currently Listening to: ‘Hard To Believe,’ by: Andy Davis

Currently Watching: Baylor Mens Basketball

Current Mood: Extremely content, moved by support, accomplished, proud, FINISHED the race!

Friday of RACE WEEKEND: I am SO excited for this weekend! I’m headed home to Dallas to see my cousin sworn in as a LAWYER! Yay Stephanie! I can’t wait to be with the family and celebrate. Tomorrow is the day I’ve been training for since, well I guess around Christmas! My first half marathon! Dad and I are going to go for it even though my hip isn’t 100% good. I think it will be just fine though for the race. I am so excited! I feel like this is such a milestone for me. This past summer I had an amazing spiritual and physical revolution and this half marathon just shows God’s faithfulness in all things. I can’t wait to sing His praises all 13.1 MILES!

Saturday of RACE WEEKEND: Yesterday was such a wonderful day! Fam was able to be present as my cousin Stephanie was sworn in as a LAWYER! All of her hard work has paid off. My Papa had arranged the sweetest time together at Y.O. Ranch Steak House downtown. It was a fun dinner with the family along with one of Stephanie’s friends and the judge who swore her in! Papa planned a little welcome and Dad even gave a benediction prayer over Stephanie at the end of dinner…truly AMAZING!

The RACE: This morning my alarm went off at 5:45 (finally! I tossed and turned all night!) Dad and I were in McKinney by 7, we were able to stretch, check out the finish and starting line, and even catch up with some McKinney friends who were running as well! It was VERY cold and even a little rainy the first few miles, but it was perfect running weather by the end! I wore long sleeves and kept my (lulu;) ) jacket on the whole race. I can’t explain to you how much this journey has altered my life and lifestyle. And the best part is it was never a journey I really planned on, it’s not like last year I thought, “I want to be a runner!” or even “I’m going to run a half marathon!” My healthy lifestyle came after Christ gave me a wake up call from a lifestyle that was not honoring him or my body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). I began walking every morning of last summer as a time to pray and be awake before the rest of the world. Little did I know that God was guiding this and growing my discipline as he would later reveal his plan for me to do this half marathon! I can not be more thankful and I am so so excited for all that is to come through my new found love: RUNNING! 🙂

“Who, being loved, is poor?” ~ Oscar Wilde

This amazing picture was taken by my sweet little brother, thanks Travis! Enjoy!Everyone loves love on Valentines. Don’t you agree? As young kids we’ve even been programmed to love it and in later years perhaps trained to dread it. This year it is neither extreme in my heart. Without having a “significant other” this year, I am able to join in on the excitement of roommates with plans or just be able to sit back and watch others enjoy this holiday. (Which I don’t care who you are but Hallmark didn’t just make it up! Hehe!) I would like to touch on what this holiday may mean to some of us without a “Valentine,” (I have a few that have asked not to be named…Dad..cough cough…Papa…cough cough) I think today is yet another day to smile and think of what is to come in life. Perhaps, you’re feeling frustrated because plans are falling through, or the one you had hoped to be with today doesn’t have those same feelings, or maybe your just too busy to take time for silly love antics. Whatever it may be, today is a beautiful day to think of all those people in your life that you love deeply. I know I am thankful for my parents, who have modeled love so beautifully to Whitney, Travis and I. Thank you Mom and Dad, Papa and Gramma, and Grandmother and Granddaddy. Each of these couples are examples of lasting marriages that will forever play a role in my own, through the things I learned, watching them love one another.

And to my future forever valentine, I love you deeply already.

For the most amazing Valentines Day stories go [here]. Photographs of couples who have been together for 50+ years. Truly beautiful and truly remarkable.

Favorite Love Quote: “We loved with a love that was more than love.” ~Edgar Allan Poe

Favorite Valetines Day Tweet: [These] note cards are adorable for a crisp and clean look that will make anyone smile!

Top 10 Favorite Love Songs:

1) Wonderful Tonight-Eric Clapton 2) Can You Feel the Love Tonight?- Elton John 3) Someone Like You- Adele 4) I Got You Babe-Sonny and Cher 5) The Rose -Bette Midler 6) Because You Loved Me-Celine Dion 7) Stuck On You- Lionel Richie 8) I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston 9) I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing- Aerosmith 10) Grenade- Bruno Mars 😉

Favorite Vows: “With this ring I give you my heart. I promise from this day forward you shall not walk alone. May my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home.”

“…But the greatest of these is love.”-1 Corinthians 13:13

Motivational Monday!

I am so excited for what this week holds! No test…HORRAY but still will be keeping up with tons of homework and also preparing for my half marathon this weekend! AH! Please pray for my hip, it’s been hurting me for maybe two weeks now? Not unbearable pain but surely it won’t enjoy 13.1 miles so please pray for healing before Saturday! I woke up this morning and when I peeked outside it seems like it has been cold and rainy! I often let my mood be determined by the weather (that’s why I am such a summer girl) but today I’m chosing to find my own sunshine in the rain! I hope you’ll join me! Nothing like have a positive attitude to kick off the week! Happy and healthy Emily 🙂 Here’s somethings that have already brightened my morning!

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” -John 14:27



Thankful Heart

Do you ever just have those days where you are overwhelmed with a thankful heart? It isn’t a rare thing for me to have a day like today and honestly I can feel my heart is full. Is that weird? It’s almost as if my heart is smiling! So many blessings can be found in everyday adventures and I can’t seem to shake the smile from my face today. It could be on account of being so proud of my beautiful twin sister, Whitney, leading worship at Harris Creek this morning, or being able to sit with dear friends. Maybe I just woke up on the right side of the bed, or perhaps it’s my favorite sweater I threw on this morning. Some of these seem like logical cause and effect circumstances but I would prefer to take a different look at today like this, perhaps I have allowed Christ’s joy to enter my heart and THAT is the reason for this warm feeling. Taking the second approach gives you power over circumstantial happiness.

Currently Listen To: ‘Your Glory’ By: Sons and Daughters

Because all the things I listed that might have been reason for my happiness today are things that could have changed, Whitney could have sung terrible, I could have sat alone, I could have been up all last night causing for a grumpy morning, or what if I had discovered a hole in my favorite sweater? Do you see where I’m going with this? There is one constant in our life, whether you acknowledge Him or not.

“Let Me be your positive Focus. When you look to e, knowing Me as God with you, you experience Joy.”-Jesus Calling

[Here] is an interesting article on happiness from lululemon ambassador, Ingrid Yang. As a Christian I feel that I understand the difference between joy and happiness, but still this article leads to some different theories, scientific ones trying to pin point happiness. VERY interesting!

“I am with you always.”

This morning I went to yoga to loosen up for an 11 mile run this afternoon (training for a half marathon to run with my Dad:) ).. The instructor played a CD that was supposed to “awaken” positive thinking, interestingly enough since she told us that’s what it was meant for I tried to focus on positive thoughts, I don’t think there was anything really in the music that triggered it but I think if I were to focus on positive thinking more in my life, it would happen! And today I’m going to focus on that, because it’s really not always that easy. Every morning I read Jesus Calling, a great devotional that reads as if Jesus was speaking to you directly, and most of them time that seems to be exactly what happens! Today is titled, “I Am With You Always.” Funny how easy it is to forget this promise and feel like you’re doing everything alone. I know I am subject to silly pity and have a woe-is-me type attitude at times. If we step back from whatever worry we are carrying it’s easier to realize how small our problems really are. A situation that might be consuming our thoughts can easily be given over to God and our hearts can be free to worship and thank him again.

So Lord, I pray that today I would recognize the beauty in small things and give all of my worries over to you. Let me enjoy today without any hindrance. Make your promise obvious to me and let me feel you with me all day long! Thank you for sending your son so that we can be set free from worry. Do a work in me today and mold me into who you’d have me be. I love you!

Spring Smoothies

As of late I have been obsessing over SMOOTHIES! Seriously. They make me SO excited for summer. Ah to be poolside with a good book and a yummy protein shake. I am so happy it’s finally getting warmer, I know February still has to happen but come on we are so close to spring! Anyway I thought I’d share with y’all some of my favorite blogs that are preparing me for my favorite summer treat!

This site has great vegan, and gluten-free recipes! Really promotes spinach in a lot of the recipes which at first I was totally against until realizing, you can’t even taste it! Not to mention it make your smoothie a pretty green color! 🙂 Love the title too..Blender Girl! My favorite recipe so far is this Home-Made Almond Milk. I made it with cocoa coated almonds so it actually came out more like a chocolate milk! Delicious!

Skinnytaste is AMAZING! It has SO many recipes and I actually stumbled across it this past summer when I made this Skinny Taco Layered Dip for a Mavs watch party! I’m planning on trying Gina’s Skinny Green Monster Smoothie later today!

And last but definitely not least…one of my favorites..20 Slimtastic Smoothies! This has easy, simple recipes for quick smoothies for those of us on the run..or post run treats! As the weather gets warmer I will be trying out these delicious and easy recipes! I also love adding in a few drops of honey into almost all of these smoothies for some sweet taste, brown sugar is also a great add! I become obsessed with smoothies this summer, poolside my Dad would make peanut butter banana protein shakes…still my all time favorite! They make you feel full and energized! Making healthy choices isn’t hard when there are great options out there! Hop on the bandwagon! I promise you won’t regret choosing to be healthy and happy! 🙂

P.S. if you haven’t yet, it’s time to get Kari Jobe’s new CD!


Staying Fit Through the Holiday Cheer!

Lots and lots going on this season and I don’t know about YOU and your family but we get lots and lots of gifts from family and friends.  For some reason most of these gifts seem to be baked goods! It’s hard to be good when your whole kitchen is filled with holiday treats…Or at least it’s tough for me! 🙂 I’ve read lots of intense tips about how to steer clear of eating your heart out but I think Whitney Ports’ personal trainer puts it best at an article [ here.] Simple self-control always does the trick too. Something I am trying to pursue harder! Self control not just in eating and excercise patterns but in everyday life. Kind thoughts, nice words, pure thoughts. It’s all a choice! Choose the right thing! 🙂

Back @ Baylor

I am SO HAPPY to be back! God has completely answered my prayers about giving me a love for this place. After an amazing summer in pretty much polar opposite cities to Waco, I was worried I wouldn’t be too thrilled about being back but now that I am here it has been AMAZING! I love catching up with everyone and can already tell this is going to be one of the best semesters EVER! I am praying for great things to happen in my life and that God would guide me this year. I am fulfilled in Him.

One of the greatest things about being back was redoing my room! I didn’t get complete new bedding or furniture I just took out a few pieces and added some as well. New shams on the pillows, new rug and then rearranged my room! It feels so fresh and SO much bigger now! I have gotten into a great habit of keeping my rooms (Dallas, and Waco) really clean and I doubt this semester will be any different. I am strangely quite the neat freak!

This is a picture of the dresser that my Mom and I painted before my sophomore year. The lovely Leah Berlin hooked me up with it since she was getting a new one for Tori, this is the family I nannied for. When I got it, the dresser was white with golden retriever puppy drawer handles! Haha! Needless to say I took those off. Replaced them with glass knobs. It was quite the project but it ended up being the exact color of turquoise I had hoped for. This year I feel like I’ve grown out of it a tad but the pop of color is welcomed in my room since we decided not to paint at Tres Grande. I have necklaces hanging on the walls along with picture frames all filled with memories from this summer. The ones here are all from Malibu. This next picture is my bed! I moved it from being in the middle of the room and head at the wall to more of a day bed style…I LOVE it! I have so much more room to stretch and lay things out if I need to. The rug I am in love with, even though I feel like a little kid for still liking zebra but it is tasteful and not too huge! I love prints so that addition made me smile. You can see Freckles and Mrs. Bear up on the bed…Freckles is the leopard and Mrs. Bear was from my wonderful little, Abby Stainback! My white comforter has stitching detail but nothing over the top to clash with the printed pillow or rug.

We placed the marron mantle over my bed last year and it has stayed in the same place since then. New nicknacks have been added and moved around though. On the left proves one of my more artsy moments, an earring holder made from an old picture frame and lace. My Dad brought back that glassed in butterfly from one of his many trips. It’s a beautiful blue. Then more jewlery along with framed pictures from Jackson Hole and Estes. I like the simplicity of this picture because I feel like my room is anything but!

This semester is going to be one of the busiest of my life. With rush, classes, pigskin, I will have to make time to rest. I believe that God has something great planned for my life and that I don’t have to wait till tomorrow to find Him I can do it today. I’m praying that with all the ups and downs that are to come this year that my room can be a sacred place for to rest, rejuvinate and spend simple quiet moments with God. Pray for me this semester as I grow at Baylor and continue to become the women of God I was meant to be.