The Journey to: My First Half Marathon

Currently Listening to: ‘Hard To Believe,’ by: Andy Davis

Currently Watching: Baylor Mens Basketball

Current Mood: Extremely content, moved by support, accomplished, proud, FINISHED the race!

Friday of RACE WEEKEND: I am SO excited for this weekend! I’m headed home to Dallas to see my cousin sworn in as a LAWYER! Yay Stephanie! I can’t wait to be with the family and celebrate. Tomorrow is the day I’ve been training for since, well I guess around Christmas! My first half marathon! Dad and I are going to go for it even though my hip isn’t 100% good. I think it will be just fine though for the race. I am so excited! I feel like this is such a milestone for me. This past summer I had an amazing spiritual and physical revolution and this half marathon just shows God’s faithfulness in all things. I can’t wait to sing His praises all 13.1 MILES!

Saturday of RACE WEEKEND: Yesterday was such a wonderful day! Fam was able to be present as my cousin Stephanie was sworn in as a LAWYER! All of her hard work has paid off. My Papa had arranged the sweetest time together at Y.O. Ranch Steak House downtown. It was a fun dinner with the family along with one of Stephanie’s friends and the judge who swore her in! Papa planned a little welcome and Dad even gave a benediction prayer over Stephanie at the end of dinner…truly AMAZING!

The RACE: This morning my alarm went off at 5:45 (finally! I tossed and turned all night!) Dad and I were in McKinney by 7, we were able to stretch, check out the finish and starting line, and even catch up with some McKinney friends who were running as well! It was VERY cold and even a little rainy the first few miles, but it was perfect running weather by the end! I wore long sleeves and kept my (lulu;) ) jacket on the whole race. I can’t explain to you how much this journey has altered my life and lifestyle. And the best part is it was never a journey I really planned on, it’s not like last year I thought, “I want to be a runner!” or even “I’m going to run a half marathon!” My healthy lifestyle came after Christ gave me a wake up call from a lifestyle that was not honoring him or my body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). I began walking every morning of last summer as a time to pray and be awake before the rest of the world. Little did I know that God was guiding this and growing my discipline as he would later reveal his plan for me to do this half marathon! I can not be more thankful and I am so so excited for all that is to come through my new found love: RUNNING! 🙂

NEW design and appreciation for art

What do y’all think of the new design? Colors and rose picture? I LOVE that painting! I think it is so pretty with the most beautiful colors! I feel like this is a softer look and I was happy to switch up my blog a little! That’s always fun! 🙂 Thanks so much for everyone who has given such amazing feedback via email or comments! I love hearing from you!

Yesterday I shared a picture of an elderly man my little brother sent me! So sweet, and so adorable. I texted the picture to my Dad and he mentioned it looked like a Norman Rockwell painting, curious I looked up his artwork and was so in love! This morning I am inspired by such beautiful artwork! Perhaps my appreciation comes from an artist as a Dad, nonetheless here are some of my absolute favorite pieces of art.

First and formost my all time favorite artist is my Dad, Jeff Warren! He majored in graphic design in college and then went on to seminary to pursue all God had in store for him. Art has followed him in his profession ever since, whether it was back in the youth group days making calendars with silly cartoons or more recently using sand art during Christmas Eve services. I LOVE when he paints. It just is another little piece of him I love. I hope to show much more of his work someday when I’m home! Perhaps we can get an exclusive interview with him;)

This next piece is HUGE and hanging in our Dallas home. I will be stealing it when I get a place of my own, because yes, it is THAT amazing! My Dad usually tells a story as he paints, not verbally but visually. He will begin with perhaps, baby Jesus in a manger and transform it into Jesus on the cross. That is one thing that is so powerful about his artwork.

Having an artist as a Dad has been so fun and I think it has bred in me appreciation for beauty in the small things. And no I’m not going to give all the credit to my Dad in this, having a beautiful and positive mother has also upped my chances for an optimistic outlook:) But truly art is so wonderful to me and I’m thankful I have been taught to appreciate it! Here are a few more recent/forever favorites.My all time favorite by famed Vincent Van Gogh, or maybe my all time favorite piece of art… EVER.

‘Starry Night’

If you haven’t heard Don McLean’s song, ‘Starry Starry Night’ then look it up NOW!

My favorite museum day, The Louvre in Paris a few summers ago.


“A beautiful thing never gives so much pain as does failing to hear and see it.”

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”


Click on this link below to see an amazing story on hope,art, forgiveness and Colorado!


Motivational Monday!

I am so excited for what this week holds! No test…HORRAY but still will be keeping up with tons of homework and also preparing for my half marathon this weekend! AH! Please pray for my hip, it’s been hurting me for maybe two weeks now? Not unbearable pain but surely it won’t enjoy 13.1 miles so please pray for healing before Saturday! I woke up this morning and when I peeked outside it seems like it has been cold and rainy! I often let my mood be determined by the weather (that’s why I am such a summer girl) but today I’m chosing to find my own sunshine in the rain! I hope you’ll join me! Nothing like have a positive attitude to kick off the week! Happy and healthy Emily 🙂 Here’s somethings that have already brightened my morning!

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” -John 14:27



Positiviley Positive

Current Mood: Joyful, positive, happy

Reasons: Jesus, Kari Jobe’s new CD, Rain, Cancelled classes!

As many of you know this semester has me with my head stuck in the books and all things social put on a back burner till Senior year! This semester is by far going to be the most challenging and without time with friends I have already been forced to recognize my dependence on Jesus and his friendship for reassurance and positivity! I’m by nature a very positive person, I think I get it from my parents:) but after a long day of classes and finally getting home at 7ish I have very little energy left in my to go play or catch up with important people in my life, so that has definitely brought a negativity in my heart. Even as I feel weighed down by busyness Christ asks for my time, beautifully spoken to me this morning through my quiet time,

“Bring Me the sacrifice of your time, and watch to see how abundantly I bless you and your loved ones.”

I love that he promises to bless my loved ones too, relationships take time and energy but they also take prayer so for those friends of mine that are far or I haven’t been able to catch up with recently know I am in prayer for our friendships and I’m thankful for you!

Plans for the day: Since I’m training for a half marathon with my Dad I’ve been following a training schedule and today I’ll be running 4 miles! Lots of studying to be done this afternoon, so will be cooped up in the library. Revenge is on tonight, love that time with Ramie!

“I love the rain the most”-Joe Purdy

Today has been a beautifully rainy day in Dallas. Was able to get a lot done at Starbucks in HP Village this morning after a great morning work out with Whitney. I’m happy to be checking off quite a few things from my list of things to do before Christmas…Up next? Finding presents for everyone. Yes, I am aware that I’m behind! 🙂