Nothing but the blood of Jesus

This verse has been given to me in many different ways this morning…”I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John16:33
I am resting in this truth today. God is doing great things and I’m making sure I’m available.

Reflecting on BU Homecoming 2011

This weekend was AMAZING! Pi Phi performed out number 1 Sing act in Pigskin and it was all so much fun! It started for us on Thursday night=club night and opening night of Pigskin. Our act was so cute and we are all SO proud of the hard work our Sing chairs put into it. Our theme was Grannies. The whole sorority dressed up as grannies was hilarious. After three nights of dancing when the curtain closed on the last act I couldn’t help but get sad! Whitney and I realized 1/3 of our college carrier has been dedicated to being an old lady! Haha. I would do it all again! So blessed through the whole entire process, from new friends to bonding with girls I already know. I just love Pi Phi and I LOVE doing life with this amazing group of leaders.

This week has been muggy and kinda warm=gross weather. This is the kinda weather that keeps me inside and not a happy camper but there is much to be excited for so I am persevering. Pi Phi has a mixer this week along with Fall Parties this weekend, which will be AWESOME. I am SO excited for them! It’s going to be a blast. With all that is coming up including thanksgiving break, it’s hard for me to pause and reflect on everything going on in my life. Lots and lots of change and growth. I think God is solidifying even more in me that He is all that counts, all that matters and all I need to focus on. This time of year always always always gets me thinking.I can’t wait for thanksgiving and Christmas break in Dallas with the family. My Dad and I especially love Dallas Christmas. When I was in High School we would come back and go to HP Village before riding around to look at Christmas lights, or we’d head to the Galleria to watch ice skaters. Now that we are back in Dallas I am even more excited. Only our 2nd Christmas back in Dallas and our first in the new house! this holiday season will be so filled with great new memories! I love this quote: It’s so true!

Songs that always remind me of cold/Thanksgiving/Christmas break/winter:

Taylor Swift= Back to December, Dear John, Last Kiss and anything by Ray Lamontagne